The Sims 4: Kumpulan Kode Cheat
Kebanyakan cheat memerlukan "testingcheats true" untuk diaktifkan terlebih dahulu
sebelum memasukkan kode cheat, jadi lebih baik untuk mengetik "testingcheats true" (tanpa petik) sebelum memasukkan berbagai macam cheat.
Permainan secara otomatis mengatur kembali ke "testingcheats false" ketika Sims Anda melakukan travel. Setiap kali Anda melihat layar loading, Anda harus memasukkan "testingcheats true" sekali lagi sebelum menggunakan semua cheat.
The Sims 4 memungkinkan untuk Anda untuk copy dan paste ke kolom cheat. Tidak perlu ragu
untuk mengopy cheat langsung dari halaman ini, dan paste ke permainan
Anda. Cheat The Sims terdiri yang resmi (official) dan yang tidak resmi
(unofficial), yang daftar cheatnya sebagai berikut ini.
Cheats Resmi
- Hot Keys Daftar berbagai Hot Keys dan Kontrol Permainan.
- Help Lists all available commands in the command console.
- kaching OR rosebud Menambahkan §1000 Simoleons.
- motherlode Menambahkan §50,000 Simoleons.
- freerealestate {on/off} Semua rumah akan gratis saat cheat diaktifkan. Aktifkan cheat saat di Neighborhood screen
- Death.toggle {true/false} Mengaktikan/Menonaktifkan kematian. Gunakan "toggle false" untuk mencegah sim dari kematian.
- resetSim {FirstName} {Surname} Jika Sims kamu menjadi beku atau tidak bisa melakukan apapun, Cheat ini akan Membuat Sim kepada setting default.
- cas.fulleditmode mengaktifkan CAS edit penuh untuk Sims yang telah aktif dimankan. Termasuk traits, names, dan clothing.
- bb.showhiddenobjects Buydebug cheat. Once entered, type ‘debug’ in the search bar in buy mode to enable hidden objects.
- bb.moveobjects Memungkinkan untuk memindahkan objek kesegala tempat.
- bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement Unlocks all build/buy objects. Ignores restrictions placed on certain objects and styled rooms that are only available with career promotions.
- bb.enablefreebuild Allows the player to construct on and edit lots that are otherwise locked/hidden in the game. Read more about this cheat and its restrictions in this guide.
- sims.give_satisfaction_points {#} Gives satisfaction points where {#} is the amount of points to add.
- fullscreen Membuat tampilan The Sims 4 FullScreen mode on atau off.
- headlineeffects {on/off} menyembunyikan seluruh headline effects termasuk plumbobs, nama Sim/Plant, dan thought balloons saat bericara
- Set as Head Dengan testingcheats true enabled, SHIFT + CLICK ke object manapun dan pilih Set as Head. Untuk membuang object, pergi ke ACTIVE lot, SHIFT + Click dan pilih "Reset" the object.
- Pressing SHIFT + ] Memperbesar ukuran dari object.
- Pressing SHIFT + [ Memperkecil ukuran dari object.
- Casclockspeed 0.1-?? Slows down and speeds up the CAS actions of a Sim. (CAS ONLY)
Cheats Tidak Resmi
- aspirations.complete_current_milestone Completes the selected Sim’s current milestone while receiving the corresponding satisfaction points.
- sims.add_buff Points (followed by) sims.remove_buff Points Adds 100 satisfaction points. The two cheats must be typed as a pair to add more satisfaction points.
- careers.promote {NameOfCareer} Promotes a Sim by one level in their career. Any careers containing multiple words should contain no spaces
- e.g. careers.promote TechGuru
- careers.demote {NameOfCareer} Demotes a Sim by one level in their career. Note that sims at the first level a career/career branch will be fired.
- e.g. careers.demote TechGuru
- careers.add_career {NameOfCareer} Adds a career to the selected Sim.
- careers.remove_career {NameOfCareer} Removes the career from a selected Sim.
- careers.promote Gradeschool Raises a Child’s Grade Performance
- careers.promote Highschool Raises a Teen’s Grade Performance
- sims.add_buff buff_death_electrocution_warning Adds a death warning buff (Dazed). Death by Electrocution occurs if a Sim repairs an electronic object after receiving this buff.
- sims.add_buff buff_death_elderexhaustion_warning Instant death by Overexertion (Elders).
- sims.add_buff buff_mortified Instant death by Embarrassment.
- sims.add_buff buff_motives_hunger_starving Adds a death warning buff (Ravenous). Death by Hunger occurs if a Sim does not eat within 24 hours of receiving this buff.
- Sims.add_buff {buffType} Adds emotion buffs to the selected Sim. {buffType} should be replaced with one of the codes listed below.
- Sims.remove_buff {buffType} Removes a specific buff from a Sim. {buffType} should be replaced with one of the codes listed below.
- Sims.remove_all_buffs Resets Sim to Fine (removes all buffs)
- Emotion {buffType} Other information
- Angry Social_Angry, e_Buff_Angry, feelingangry, unfaithful These all stack
- Embarrassed e_buff_embarrassed, peedself These two stack
- Energized EnergizedLow OR EnergizedHigh Do not stack, high gives +2
- Flirty FlirtyLow OR FlirtyHigh Do not stack, high gives +2
- Focused FocusedLow OR FocusedHigh Do not stack, high gives +2
- Happy Social_Happy, e_Buff_Happy These two stack
- Inspired InspiredLow or InspiredHigh Do not stack, high gives +2
- Playful PlayfulLow OR PlayfulHigh Do not stack, high gives +2
- Sad SadLow OR SadHigh Do not stack, high gives +2
- Uncomfortable e_buff_uncomfortable
- Add to Family Adds the selected sim to the current household
- Modify in CAS Edits the selected sim in CAS, except for his/her name and inherited traits
- Cheat Motive, Make Happy Fills all motives and gives the selected sim a happy emotion
- Cheat Motive, Disable Motive Decay Motives freeze
- Cheat Motive, Enable Motive Decay Motives behave normally
- Reset Object Resets the selected object/sim
- Teleport Sim SHIFT + Click to a point on the ground and the selected Sim will teleport there.
- Make Dirty Object becomes dirty
- Make Clean Object becomes clean
- Reset Mailbox SHIFT + Click on the Mailbox will reset the Mailbox.
- Alter Needs SHIFT + Click on the Mailbox will open up the options to:
- Disable Household Needs Decay
- Disable World Need Decay
- Enable Household Needs Decay
- Enable World Needs Decay
- Fill Needs (Household)
- Fill Needs (World)
- money {amount} Sets Household funds to an exact amount where {amount} is a number.
- sims.modify_funds {+/- amount} Add or subtract Simoleons from Household funds where {(-)amount} can be a positive or negative value.
- household.force_bills_due Forces bills to be due
- households.autopay_bills {true/false} Enables/disables the autopay of bills
- sims.add_buff Buff_Pregnancy_Trimester1 Gives Sims and Ghosts the appearance of being pregnant in the 1st Trimester.
- sims.add_buff Buff_Pregnancy_Trimester2 Gives Sims and Ghosts the appearance of being pregnant in the 2nd Trimester.
- sims.add_buff Buff_Pregnancy_Trimester3 Gives Sims and Ghosts the appearance of being pregnant in the 3rd Trimester.
- sims.add_buff Buff_Pregnancy_InLabor Pushes Sims and Ghosts to have a fake birth. Babies are not born using these cheats
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Baking {1-10} Meningkatkan Baking Skill (Get to Work)
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma {1-10} Meningkatkan Charisma Skill
- stats.set_skill_level {1-10} Meningkatkan Creativity Skill (Child)
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy {1-10} Meningkatkan Comedy Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking {1-10} Meningkatkan Cooking Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing {1-10} Meningkatkan Fishing Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness {1-10} Meningkatkan Fitness Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening {1-10} Meningkatkan Gardening Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking {1-10} Meningkatkan Gourmet Cooking Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major Guitar {1-10} Meningkatkan Guitar Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness {1-10} Meningkatkan Handiness Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Herbalism {1-10} Meningkatkan Herbalism Skill (Outdoor Retreat)
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic {1-10} Meningkatkan Logic Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental {1-10} Meningkatkan Mental Skill (Child)
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief {1-10} Meningkatkan Mischief Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending {1-10} Meningkatkan Mixology Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor {1-10} Meningkatkan Motor Skill (Child)
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting {1-10} Meningkatkan Painting Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Photography {1-5} Meningkatkan Photography Skill (Get to Work)
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano {1-10} Meningkatkan Piano Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming {1-10} Meningkatkan Programming Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Reaping {1-10} Meningkatkan Reaping Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience {1-10} Meningkatkan Rocket Science Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social {1-10} Meningkatkan Social Skill (Child)
- stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming {1-10} Meningkatkan Video Gaming Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin {1-10} Meningkatkan Violin Skill
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing {1-10} Meningkatkan Writing Skill
Memunculkan berbagai macam koleksi dalam permainan
Cheat Code
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F57 Live Space Squid
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F55 Live Blue Slug
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F54 Live Pink Whale
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F52 Dead Space Squid
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F56 Live Red Coral
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F51 Dead Red Coral
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F4F Dead Blue Slug
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F53 Dead Space Porcupine
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F4E Dead Pink Whale
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F58 Live Space Porcupine
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6C Alien Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F55 Live Blue Slug
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F54 Live Pink Whale
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F52 Dead Space Squid
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F56 Live Red Coral
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F51 Dead Red Coral
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F4F Dead Blue Slug
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F53 Dead Space Porcupine
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F4E Dead Pink Whale
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5F58 Live Space Porcupine
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6C Alien Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7047 Plumbite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x703B Jonquilyst
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x703E Rainborz
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7045 Jet
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7040 Simanite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7038 Diamond
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x703A Hematite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7037 Amethyst
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7044 Fire Opal
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x704D Shinolite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7048 Quartz
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7042 Alabaster
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x703F Sapphire
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x703D Peach
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x704E Turquoise
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x703C Orange Topaz
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x704B Rose
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7039 Emerald
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x704C Ruby
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7043 Citrine
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11ACB Crandestine (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11ACC Nitelite (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6A Crystal Collection Plaque
Decorated Eggs
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x703B Jonquilyst
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x703E Rainborz
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7045 Jet
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7040 Simanite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7038 Diamond
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x703A Hematite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7037 Amethyst
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7044 Fire Opal
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x704D Shinolite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7048 Quartz
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7042 Alabaster
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x703F Sapphire
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x703D Peach
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x704E Turquoise
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x703C Orange Topaz
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x704B Rose
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7039 Emerald
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x704C Ruby
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7043 Citrine
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11ACB Crandestine (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11ACC Nitelite (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6A Crystal Collection Plaque
Decorated Eggs
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163CA Decorated Egg #1
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163CB Decorated Egg #2
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163CC Decorated Egg #3
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163CD Decorated Egg #4
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163CE Decorated Egg #5
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163CF Decorated Egg #6
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163D0 Decorated Egg #7
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163D1 Decorated Egg #8
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163D2 Decorated Egg #9
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163D3 Decorated Egg #10
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163CB Decorated Egg #2
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163CC Decorated Egg #3
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163CD Decorated Egg #4
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163CE Decorated Egg #5
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163CF Decorated Egg #6
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163D0 Decorated Egg #7
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163D1 Decorated Egg #8
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163D2 Decorated Egg #9
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x163D3 Decorated Egg #10
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70FC Firaxium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70F5 Plumbobus
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70FE Crytacoo
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70FF Wolfium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70F4 Plathium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70F7 Peryllium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70F9 Ozinate
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6EE6 Sydrolin
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70F6 Phozone
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6F07 Selium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70FD Alcineat
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70F8 Melacoo
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7100 Goobleck
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70FB Oxypin
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70FA Volenton
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11ACE Xenopetrium (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F71 Element Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAEF1 Rainbowfish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB101 Sturgeon
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xE876 Treefish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB082 Red-Tailed Black Shark
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAEF4 Piranha
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xE874 Batfish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAFE6 Anglerfish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAF6E Catfish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0A6 Wolf Eel
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0C2 Kissing Gourami
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB03F Angelfish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0B4 Betta
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAF72 Tilapia
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAFF0 Bass
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB1DC Tetra
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB03B Trout
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB16C Perch
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0A2 Salmon
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAFE4 Minnow
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB04C Koi
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB184 Guppy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAF70 Goldfish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFFCD Walleye (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFF4A Mountain Lionfish (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFEB1 Blue Crawdad ( Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFEB3 Red Crawdad (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFF19 Yellow Perch (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xBC5A Fish Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E8 Fossilized Alien Skull
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E5 Pre-Pre-Pre Sim Head
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E7 Fossilized Whatzit
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E6 Fossilized Udder
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E4 Perfectly Preserved Mustache
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E3 Prehistoric Bird
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71DD Fossilized Plant Imprint
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E2 Prehistoric Rock
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71DA Fossilized Egg
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E0 Enormous Trilobite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71DF Hilariously Tiny T-Rex Arms
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71DC Raptor Claw
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E1 Fossilized Sim Hand
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71DB Fossilized Sea Monster
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71DE Prehistoric Hoofprint
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11ACD Fossilized Sand Worm (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6F Fossil Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8241 Heartsurfer Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x824F Whirlyflower Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x824C Eggplant Whirl Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8240 Surfer Eggplant Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x824B Bullseye Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x823D Sunsurfer Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8245 Tiger Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x824D Dirtwhirl Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x823E Dirtsurfer Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x823A Leopard Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8228 Sunflower Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8239 Spotted Heart Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8249 Striped Eggplant Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8246 Striped Heart Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x823C Surfer Leaf Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x824A Hypno Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x823B Spotted Eggplant Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8238 Spotted Dirt Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x81FC Leaf Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8244 Striped Dirt Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8227 Eggplant Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x822C Dirt Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x822B Heart Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8237 Spotted Leaf Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8242 Striped Leaf Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6B Frog Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B90 Dragonfruit
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B8E Blackberries
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x93E2 Cowplant Berry
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5FAE Trash Fruit
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B9C Orchid
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7151 Unidentified Fruit Object
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B8F Pomegranate
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x1010C Death Flower
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB2C7 Bonsai Buds
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B9F Bird of Paradise
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x057C3 Cherry
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B9A Lily
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B97 Rose
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB500 Tomato
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B8D Strawberry
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0EF Potato
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B95 Pear
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB53C Onion
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B98 Tulip
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB2A6 Parsley
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B92 Grapes
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB961 Spinach
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x55A6 Snapdragon
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB2A8 Sage
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x57C2 Lemon
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0FF Mushroom
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB2A4 Basil
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x55B3 Apple
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B99 Daisy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B9B Chrysanthemum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B9D Blue Bells
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0F3 Carrot
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x57C4 Plantain
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x1071C Toxic Chamomile (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x1025F Chamomile (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10725 Poison Fireleaf (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x102A0 Fireleaf (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10723 Noxious Elderberry (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x1025C Elderberry (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x107E5 Muckleberry (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x107E4 Huckleberry (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10724 False Morel Mushroom (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10261 Morel Mushroom (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AC7 Quill Fruit (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AC3 Glow Orb (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AC1 Fang Flower (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xBC59 Gardening Collection Plaque
Geodes (Get to Work Expansion)
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AF2 Starflake
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11B00 Zarinne
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AFE Corbut
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AFF Glumbut
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x1050B Mylom's Tonic
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11B01 Eye of the Stormbore
Herbal Remedies (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A77 Sadness Alleviation Lotion
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A71 Insect Repellent Liniment
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A7C Fungal Infusion Fertilizer Recipe
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A73 Deodorizing Cream
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A72 Soothing Skin Balm
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A76 De-Stressing Decoction
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A75 Tummy Therapy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A7D Fireleaf Extract
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A78 Clear Mind Distillation
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A7B Natural Herbicide Oil
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A74 Energizer Infusion
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A79 Rage Relieving Salve
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A7A Elixir of Fertility
Insects (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70F5 Plumbobus
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70FE Crytacoo
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70FF Wolfium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70F4 Plathium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70F7 Peryllium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70F9 Ozinate
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6EE6 Sydrolin
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70F6 Phozone
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6F07 Selium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70FD Alcineat
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70F8 Melacoo
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7100 Goobleck
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70FB Oxypin
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x70FA Volenton
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11ACE Xenopetrium (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F71 Element Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAEF1 Rainbowfish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB101 Sturgeon
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xE876 Treefish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB082 Red-Tailed Black Shark
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAEF4 Piranha
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xE874 Batfish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAFE6 Anglerfish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAF6E Catfish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0A6 Wolf Eel
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0C2 Kissing Gourami
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB03F Angelfish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0B4 Betta
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAF72 Tilapia
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAFF0 Bass
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB1DC Tetra
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB03B Trout
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB16C Perch
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0A2 Salmon
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAFE4 Minnow
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB04C Koi
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB184 Guppy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xAF70 Goldfish
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFFCD Walleye (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFF4A Mountain Lionfish (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFEB1 Blue Crawdad ( Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFEB3 Red Crawdad (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFF19 Yellow Perch (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xBC5A Fish Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E8 Fossilized Alien Skull
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E5 Pre-Pre-Pre Sim Head
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E7 Fossilized Whatzit
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E6 Fossilized Udder
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E4 Perfectly Preserved Mustache
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E3 Prehistoric Bird
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71DD Fossilized Plant Imprint
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E2 Prehistoric Rock
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71DA Fossilized Egg
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E0 Enormous Trilobite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71DF Hilariously Tiny T-Rex Arms
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71DC Raptor Claw
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71E1 Fossilized Sim Hand
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71DB Fossilized Sea Monster
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x71DE Prehistoric Hoofprint
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11ACD Fossilized Sand Worm (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6F Fossil Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8241 Heartsurfer Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x824F Whirlyflower Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x824C Eggplant Whirl Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8240 Surfer Eggplant Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x824B Bullseye Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x823D Sunsurfer Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8245 Tiger Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x824D Dirtwhirl Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x823E Dirtsurfer Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x823A Leopard Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8228 Sunflower Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8239 Spotted Heart Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8249 Striped Eggplant Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8246 Striped Heart Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x823C Surfer Leaf Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x824A Hypno Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x823B Spotted Eggplant Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8238 Spotted Dirt Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x81FC Leaf Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8244 Striped Dirt Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8227 Eggplant Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x822C Dirt Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x822B Heart Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8237 Spotted Leaf Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x8242 Striped Leaf Frog
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6B Frog Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B90 Dragonfruit
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B8E Blackberries
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x93E2 Cowplant Berry
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5FAE Trash Fruit
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B9C Orchid
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7151 Unidentified Fruit Object
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B8F Pomegranate
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x1010C Death Flower
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB2C7 Bonsai Buds
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B9F Bird of Paradise
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x057C3 Cherry
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B9A Lily
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B97 Rose
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB500 Tomato
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B8D Strawberry
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0EF Potato
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B95 Pear
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB53C Onion
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B98 Tulip
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB2A6 Parsley
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B92 Grapes
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB961 Spinach
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x55A6 Snapdragon
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB2A8 Sage
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x57C2 Lemon
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0FF Mushroom
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB2A4 Basil
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x55B3 Apple
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B99 Daisy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B9B Chrysanthemum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5B9D Blue Bells
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xB0F3 Carrot
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x57C4 Plantain
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x1071C Toxic Chamomile (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x1025F Chamomile (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10725 Poison Fireleaf (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x102A0 Fireleaf (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10723 Noxious Elderberry (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x1025C Elderberry (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x107E5 Muckleberry (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x107E4 Huckleberry (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10724 False Morel Mushroom (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10261 Morel Mushroom (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AC7 Quill Fruit (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AC3 Glow Orb (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AC1 Fang Flower (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xBC59 Gardening Collection Plaque
Geodes (Get to Work Expansion)
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AF2 Starflake
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11B00 Zarinne
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AFE Corbut
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AFF Glumbut
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x1050B Mylom's Tonic
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11B01 Eye of the Stormbore
Herbal Remedies (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A77 Sadness Alleviation Lotion
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A71 Insect Repellent Liniment
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A7C Fungal Infusion Fertilizer Recipe
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A73 Deodorizing Cream
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A72 Soothing Skin Balm
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A76 De-Stressing Decoction
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A75 Tummy Therapy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A7D Fireleaf Extract
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A78 Clear Mind Distillation
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A7B Natural Herbicide Oil
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A74 Energizer Infusion
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A79 Rage Relieving Salve
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10A7A Elixir of Fertility
Insects (Outdoor Retreat Game Pack)
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE50 Bees
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE52 Blue Morpho Butterfly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE4A Fire Ant
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE4E Jezebel Butterfly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE37 Katydid
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE51 Ladybug
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE4F Luna Moth
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE4C Mosquito
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE35 Termite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFF06 Firefly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE4D Stink Bug
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE57 Dragonfly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE58 Jewel Beetle
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE54 Locust
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE55 Mantis
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE53 Monarch Butterfly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE59 Walking Stick
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE5B Rainbow Firefly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE5A Will-o-the-Wisp
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE5C Dust Spirit
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE5D Dragon Dragonfly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10661 Insect Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE52 Blue Morpho Butterfly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE4A Fire Ant
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE4E Jezebel Butterfly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE37 Katydid
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE51 Ladybug
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE4F Luna Moth
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE4C Mosquito
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE35 Termite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFF06 Firefly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE4D Stink Bug
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE57 Dragonfly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE58 Jewel Beetle
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE54 Locust
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE55 Mantis
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE53 Monarch Butterfly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE59 Walking Stick
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE5B Rainbow Firefly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE5A Will-o-the-Wisp
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE5C Dust Spirit
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xFE5D Dragon Dragonfly
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10661 Insect Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7066 Sadnum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7058 Furium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x706D Literalite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7065 Romantium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x706C Flamingonium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x706B Death Metal
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7057 Crytunium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7072 Socialite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7067 Simtanium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x705C Ironyum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x706F Phozonite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7064 Plathinum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7071 Pyrite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7070 Punium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7059 Heavy Metal
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x706E Obtainium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7068 Utranium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7063 Ozinold
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x706A Baconite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7069 Alcron
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AC8 Blutonium (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11ACA Solarium (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F70 Metal Collection Plaque
Microscope Prints
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59C5 Crystal Palace
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59CA Leaf Meat
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59BD Trace Remains
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59C6 Blemish Blossom
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59C8 Cell Block
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59C7 Falling
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59CD Hooplankton
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59CE Rhapsody in Blue
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59CC Party in Pink
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59CB Psychedelic Rock
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59C9 Snow Fight
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59C4 The Drifter
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xA1DD Microspace Jockey
MySims Trophies
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7058 Furium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x706D Literalite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7065 Romantium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x706C Flamingonium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x706B Death Metal
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7057 Crytunium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7072 Socialite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7067 Simtanium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x705C Ironyum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x706F Phozonite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7064 Plathinum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7071 Pyrite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7070 Punium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7059 Heavy Metal
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x706E Obtainium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7068 Utranium
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7063 Ozinold
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x706A Baconite
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7069 Alcron
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11AC8 Blutonium (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11ACA Solarium (Get to Work Expansion)
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F70 Metal Collection Plaque
Microscope Prints
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59C5 Crystal Palace
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59CA Leaf Meat
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59BD Trace Remains
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59C6 Blemish Blossom
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59C8 Cell Block
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59C7 Falling
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59CD Hooplankton
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59CE Rhapsody in Blue
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59CC Party in Pink
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59CB Psychedelic Rock
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59C9 Snow Fight
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x59C4 The Drifter
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xA1DD Microspace Jockey
MySims Trophies
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x729A TOBOR
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x729E Zombie Carl
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x729C Violet
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A5 Goth Boy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7298 Morcubus
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7297 Lyndsay
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A7 Jenny
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7296 Leaf
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x729B Trevor Verily
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A0 Dr. F
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7299 Poppy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7295 DJ Candy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A6 Hopper
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7294 Buddy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A4 Gonk
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A3 Chef Gino
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A2 Ol' Gabby
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A1 Elmira Clamp
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x729F Chaz McFreely
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x729D Yuki
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F74 MySims Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x729E Zombie Carl
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x729C Violet
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A5 Goth Boy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7298 Morcubus
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7297 Lyndsay
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A7 Jenny
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7296 Leaf
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x729B Trevor Verily
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A0 Dr. F
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7299 Poppy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7295 DJ Candy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A6 Hopper
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7294 Buddy
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A4 Gonk
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A3 Chef Gino
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A2 Ol' Gabby
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x72A1 Elmira Clamp
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x729F Chaz McFreely
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x729D Yuki
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F74 MySims Collection Plaque
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x778C Isla Paradiso
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7785 Dragon Valley
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7783 Barnacle Bay
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x778B Midnight Hollow
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x778A Lunar Lakes
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7784 Champs Les Sims
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x777F Littlehaven
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7788 Bridgeport
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x777E Riverview
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7786 Sunset Valley
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7789 Appaloosa Plains
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7782 Moonlight Falls
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7780 Lucky Palms
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7787 Twinbrook
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6E Postcard Collection Plaque
Serums (Get to Work Expansion)
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A66 Synthetic Food Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A70 Spark Drive Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A74 Age Away Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A68 Red Hot Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A6E Smart Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A71 Reaper's Friend
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A72 Fixer's Luck Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A6F Need Fixer Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A69 Rose Perfume Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A6A Ghost Goo Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A73 Alien Aura Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A6B Embiggen Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A67 Snake Oil Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A6D Ox Strength Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A6C Slimify
Space Prints
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7785 Dragon Valley
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7783 Barnacle Bay
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x778B Midnight Hollow
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x778A Lunar Lakes
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7784 Champs Les Sims
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x777F Littlehaven
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7788 Bridgeport
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x777E Riverview
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7786 Sunset Valley
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7789 Appaloosa Plains
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7782 Moonlight Falls
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7780 Lucky Palms
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7787 Twinbrook
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6E Postcard Collection Plaque
Serums (Get to Work Expansion)
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A66 Synthetic Food Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A70 Spark Drive Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A74 Age Away Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A68 Red Hot Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A6E Smart Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A71 Reaper's Friend
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A72 Fixer's Luck Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A6F Need Fixer Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A69 Rose Perfume Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A6A Ghost Goo Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A73 Alien Aura Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A6B Embiggen Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A67 Snake Oil Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A6D Ox Strength Serum
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x11A6C Slimify
Space Prints
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C54 Surfacing
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C55 Battle Stars
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C4C T-Rex Nebula
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C51 Star Crossed Lovers
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C53 Cloudy Vision
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C48 Twinkle
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C49 Saturn Return
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C4E I Dream of Plesiosaur
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C4A Standard Space
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C4B End of Time
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C52 Animal's Planet
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C47 Rosie the Riveting
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C50 Seeing Red
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C4F Out of This World Style
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C4D Big Star
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6D The Gargantuan Telescope
Space Rocks
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5C7D Unnaturally Large Space Rock
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5C7F Uncommon Space Rock
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5C80 Large Space Rock
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5C7E Common Space Rock
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xBC58 Space Rock Collection Plaque
Collection Plaques
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C55 Battle Stars
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C4C T-Rex Nebula
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C51 Star Crossed Lovers
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C53 Cloudy Vision
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C48 Twinkle
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C49 Saturn Return
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C4E I Dream of Plesiosaur
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C4A Standard Space
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C4B End of Time
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C52 Animal's Planet
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C47 Rosie the Riveting
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C50 Seeing Red
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C4F Out of This World Style
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x6C4D Big Star
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6D The Gargantuan Telescope
Space Rocks
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5C7D Unnaturally Large Space Rock
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5C7F Uncommon Space Rock
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5C80 Large Space Rock
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x5C7E Common Space Rock
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xBC58 Space Rock Collection Plaque
Collection Plaques
Cheat Code
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6C Alien Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6A Crystal Collection Plaque
N/A Decorated Egg Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F71 Element Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xBC5A
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6F Fossil Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6B Frog Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xBC59 Gardening Collection Plaque
N/A Geode Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10661 Insect Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F70 Metal Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xA1DD Microscope Prints Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F74 MySims Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6E Postcard Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6D Space Prints Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xBC58 Space Rock Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6A Crystal Collection Plaque
N/A Decorated Egg Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F71 Element Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xBC5A
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6F Fossil Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6B Frog Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xBC59 Gardening Collection Plaque
N/A Geode Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x10661 Insect Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F70 Metal Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xA1DD Microscope Prints Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F74 MySims Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6E Postcard Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0x9F6D Space Prints Collection Plaque
objects.gsi_create_obj 0xBC58 Space Rock Collection Plaque
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